Historical Jesus

O Cristianismo Primitivo Segundo o Marxismo Clássico

Rosa Luxemburg / Historical Jesus / Friedrich Engels / Marxismo / História Do Cristianismo / Cristianismo Primitivo / Karl Kautsky / Marxismo Clássico / Cristianismo Primitivo / Karl Kautsky / Marxismo Clássico

“Há, portanto, muitos membros, mas um só corpo”: uma breve análise sobre o programa paulino de Reino de Deus.

Historical Jesus / Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters / Cristianismos E Paganismo

Notas sobre o ritual batismal nas comunidades paulinas de Corinto e Éfeso.

Historical Jesus / Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters / História Do Cristianismo / Cristianismo Primitivo / Paganismo E Cristianismo No Imperio Romano

Conectividade, interdependência e redistribuição nos cristianismos paulinos do século I EC

Apostle Paul and the Pauline Letters / Historical Jesus / Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters / Historia del cristianismo, Mística / Cristianismo Primitivo / Cristianismos E Paganismo

A arqueologia e os cristianismos originários

Historical Jesus / Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters / Cristianismo / Cristianismos E Paganismo / História do judaísmo e do cristianismo.

Resenha de O que disse Jesus? O que não disse Jesus?, de Bart Ehrman

Early Christianity / Historical Jesus / Historia Antiga / Cristianismo / Jesus Histórico

Desvendando o Jesus de carne e osso, Correio Popular, Campinas

Early Christianity / Historical Jesus / Cristianismo / Cristianismo Primitivo / História das religiões e religiosidades / Jesus Histórico

As conversões de Paulo: Uma Breve Análise Comparativa entre as Telas de Caravaggio e as Narrativas de Conversão em Atos

Art History / Second Temple Judaism / Deuteronomistic History / Prophets / Biblical Archaeology / Apostle Paul and the Pauline Letters / Historical Jesus / Biblical Interpretation / Bible / Wisdom Literature / Pauline Theology / Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters / Dead Sea Scrolls / Late Antiquity and Byzantium (History and Art) / Paul / Ot / Pentateuch / Pauline Letters / Art and Art History / NT Textual Criticism / NT / Christian Origins. Theologically: Jesus Jewish Eschatology and Soteriology / Apostle Paul and the Pauline Letters / Historical Jesus / Biblical Interpretation / Bible / Wisdom Literature / Pauline Theology / Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters / Dead Sea Scrolls / Late Antiquity and Byzantium (History and Art) / Paul / Ot / Pentateuch / Pauline Letters / Art and Art History / NT Textual Criticism / NT / Christian Origins. Theologically: Jesus Jewish Eschatology and Soteriology

Essential Changes To Academia Now Required...

Religion / Comparative Religion / History / Ancient History / Roman History / Secular Humanism / Atheism / History of Religion / New Testament / History of Christianity / Talmud / Early Christianity / Roman Religion / Biblical Studies / Synoptic Gospels / Study of Religions / History of Religions / Ancient Religion / Academia Research / Secularization / Method and Theory in the Study of Religion / Imperial Rome / New Testament and Christian Origins / Apostle Paul and the Pauline Letters / Roman Empire / Historical Jesus / Literary study of the Bible / Bible / Tacitus / Biblical Exegesis / Standardization / History of Religious Studies / New Testament Textual Criticism / Religious Studies / Pliny the Younger / Ancient Rome / Suetonius / New testament exegesis / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Jesus / Jesus Christ / New Testament Studies / Roman Emperors / Flavius Josephus / Anthropology of Religion / Roman Archaeology / Early Christian Papyri and Inscriptions / Roman Creation Of Christianity / Secular Humanism / Atheism / History of Religion / New Testament / History of Christianity / Talmud / Early Christianity / Roman Religion / Biblical Studies / Synoptic Gospels / Study of Religions / History of Religions / Ancient Religion / Academia Research / Secularization / Method and Theory in the Study of Religion / Imperial Rome / New Testament and Christian Origins / Apostle Paul and the Pauline Letters / Roman Empire / Historical Jesus / Literary study of the Bible / Bible / Tacitus / Biblical Exegesis / Standardization / History of Religious Studies / New Testament Textual Criticism / Religious Studies / Pliny the Younger / Ancient Rome / Suetonius / New testament exegesis / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / Jesus / Jesus Christ / New Testament Studies / Roman Emperors / Flavius Josephus / Anthropology of Religion / Roman Archaeology / Early Christian Papyri and Inscriptions / Roman Creation Of Christianity


Peace and Conflict Studies / Doctrine of God / Historical Jesus


Christology / Historical Jesus / Cristología / Jesús / Jesús Histórico / Comparative Christology

Regresar a Jesús de Nazaret

Early Christianity / Historical Jesus / Historical Jesus Research / Cristologia / Jesus Histórico / Cristología Latinoamericana / Orígenes del cristianismo / Dios de Jesús / Jesús de Nazaret / Cristología Latinoamericana / Orígenes del cristianismo / Dios de Jesús / Jesús de Nazaret

“Ipsissima verba Iesu ¿hebreo, arameo o griego?”, DavarLogos 14,1 (2015): 29-42.

Historical Linguistics / Gospels / New Testament and Christian Origins / Historical Jesus / Ancient Greek Linguistics

Charlemagne\'s Descent From Lucius Calpurnius Piso

History / Ancient History / Anthropology / Historical Anthropology / Roman History / Social Anthropology / Historical Archaeology / Historical Linguistics / Genealogy / History of Christianity / Catholic Studies / Linguistic Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Historiography / Roman Religion / Ancient Religion / Ancient Historiography / History of Roman Catholicism / Church History / Carolingian Studies / Social History / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Imperial Rome / Cultural Anthropology / Roman Empire / Historical Jesus / Christianity and Rome / Merovingian period / Genetic Genealogy / Visigothic Spain / Holy Roman Empire / Holy Roman Empire (History) / Genealogia / Historia / Merovingian and Carolingian / Early Church History / Charlemagne / Scriptores Historiae Augustae / Ancient Rome / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / The Merovingians / Julius Caesar / História / Franks / Papal History / Genealogical Research / Catholic Church History / Roman Emperors / Lombards / Saints / Genealogy-Family History / Charlemagne and Christianization / Archéologie Mérovingienne / Ancient Literature / Anthropology of Religion / Roman Archaeology / History of France / Calpurnia / Calpurnius Piso / Historia Augusta / Villa Romana De Pisões / Holy Roman Empire of German Nation / Social Anthropology / Historical Archaeology / Historical Linguistics / Genealogy / History of Christianity / Catholic Studies / Linguistic Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Historiography / Roman Religion / Ancient Religion / Ancient Historiography / History of Roman Catholicism / Church History / Carolingian Studies / Social History / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Imperial Rome / Cultural Anthropology / Roman Empire / Historical Jesus / Christianity and Rome / Merovingian period / Genetic Genealogy / Visigothic Spain / Holy Roman Empire / Holy Roman Empire (History) / Genealogia / Historia / Merovingian and Carolingian / Early Church History / Charlemagne / Scriptores Historiae Augustae / Ancient Rome / Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology / The Merovingians / Julius Caesar / História / Franks / Papal History / Genealogical Research / Catholic Church History / Roman Emperors / Lombards / Saints / Genealogy-Family History / Charlemagne and Christianization / Archéologie Mérovingienne / Ancient Literature / Anthropology of Religion / Roman Archaeology / History of France / Calpurnia / Calpurnius Piso / Historia Augusta / Villa Romana De Pisões / Holy Roman Empire of German Nation

Second Temple Period

Historical Jesus / Second Temple Period / God's Sovereignty

Jesus de Nazaré, uma outra História

Ancient History / Biblical Archaeology / Historical Jesus / Arqueología / Historia Antiga / Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters / Jesus Histórico / New Testament and Archaeology / Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters / Jesus Histórico / New Testament and Archaeology
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